Bradley Cooper is an American actor and is currently one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, which has been a part of some of the most successful films of the new millennium. Once he discovered that he had a natural taste for the stage, he decided to train in the art of the theater and has never looked back since. Cooper has built a prominent acting career in films, television shows and also on stage. Cooper rose to fame in 2005 after his role in the movie ‘Wedding Crashers’ and since then his career has grown steadily as he has achieved successes such as the ‘Hangover’.

Coming from his successful run within the last decade, the American actor Bradley Cooper, achieved both commercial and financial success. Using that momentum, he was able to grab one of his prized possessions and put it in his extensive garage slots, which is his Mercedes Benz G500 where he shelled out around $220,000. Aside from his extensive investments and collection of expensive cars, he also had a wide range of high-end motorcycles. With these kinds of expensive collections under the roof of his house, he surely made a statement that he’s one of the best when it comes to managing his finances.
