Hollywood royalty Chaz Bono is the son of the iconic duo, Sonny and Cher. Born on March 4, 1969, in Los Angeles, he was raised in absolute stardom. Along with this was an unhealthy lifestyle that led him to hit 250 pounds. When he saw this, he vowed to himself to lose the weight and start being healthy to a significant degree. This was in November 2012, and a few months later, he was down to 190 pounds already.

Feisty and determined to shed off the extra pounds, Chaz then really adjusted to eating healthier. He feels better and is even interested in joining the reality star Dancing with the Stars for the second time because he feels so much lighter. He also embodied newfound confidence as he started to fall in love with himself even more. His fans quickly showered him with compliments when he posted his recent photo on his Instagram account.
