Ben Kingsley | Krishna Pandit Bhanji

Ben Kingsley has had a significant impact on the film industry, particularly in the West. He has been in several successful films and has wowed audiences worldwide with his outstanding acting abilities. However, many of his followers are unaware that his real name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji, which proves his Indian ancestry. Ben was born in the United Kingdom to an Indian father of Gujarati ancestry and a British mother.

He began his career in dramatics and theatre at a young age. De La Salle College in Salford, where he studied, later became the home of the Ben Kingsley Theatre. Although he is best credited for playing Mahatma Gandhi in the film Gandhi, it was only his second film. Ben’s Indian ancestry helped him land the job, and he shared a striking facial resemblance with Mahatma Gandhi. His performance in the movie won global attention, and he became known as ‘Ben Kingsley.’
