Rosario Dawson | Star Trek Fan


Rosario Dawson is a popular American actress who’s known for appearing in blockbuster films like He Got Game, Unstoppable, Top Five, Rent, and many more. Besides acting, Rosario is also a producer, and she’s been able to produce a good number of motion picture films throughout her career. You could say that she’s one of the most recognizable figures in Hollywood today.


It’s definitely not a secret that Rosario is one smart woman. After all, you wouldn’t be a successful actress or producer without having an exceptional brain. However, who could have known that Rosario is also a huge Star Trek nerd? She maintains a degree of activity when it comes to attending Comic-Con events, and she’s even known to talk a little bit of Klingon in some conversations. Well, she can certainly call herself a successful actress who knows several languages!
