Edward Norton | English, Japanese, Spanish, French

Edward Harrison Norton is an actor and producer born on August 18, 1969, in Boston, Massachusetts. His father is a former lieutenant of the Marines and eventually became an environmental lawyer, while her mother is an English teacher. After finishing high school, he studied at Yale University, where he studied Japanese and history. Shortly after graduation, he flew to Osaka, Japan, to work for his grandfather’s company. He stayed there for five months, and this might be when he flourished his Japanese communication skills. Aside from being capable of speaking English and Japanese, according to Cudoo, he is also fluent in Spanish and French. If this isn’t impressive, we don’t know what is.

Norton is famous for appearing in several big-screen projects, including The Bourne Legacy, The Incredible Hulk, and the Kingdom of Heaven. He is now married to Shauna Robertson, a Canadian film producer, and now has a son.
