Minnie Driver | Hollywood Hills, $2.5 Million

Minnie Driver might have been blessed with eagle eyes, and if it weren’t for that, she wouldn’t have seen the potential of her Hollywood Hills home. She bought it back in 2014 for a few thousand shy of $2.5 million and with some investment money, transformed the property with a touch of her personality. With the help of designer Peter Dunham, Driver was just one step closer to getting her dream home.

By the end, after all the necessary changes were made, this 1940s ranch house’s overall vibe finally resonated well with the actress. Looking at the results, it is nothing short of spectacular. It may not be the biggest and grandest property around the area, but it sure has a lot of bang for the buck. However, when all is said and done, what matters most is that Driver finally gets to stay in a place that checks off every requirement she has on her checklist.
