The iconic Wheel of Fortune letter turner and TV personality Vanna White has recently listed her stunning mansion, located in Sherman Oaks, California, on the property market. It was a decision made by herself and her longtime partner and architectural developer John Donaldson. Sources report that the lovely couple originally purchased the property for $1.125 million back in 2013 and poured in a lot of their hard-earned investment money into renovating the then outdated mid-century home. With the renovation, they plan on leasing it for $20,000 a month.

Upon entering, you’d find a magnificent façade fronting a two-story structure penthouse-style suite. Inside, you can find three guest bedrooms situated in the main structure. Outside, you will see a unique design of frosted glass windows and stone walls. Inside, you’ll be able to a brightly lit foyer and a combined living-dining area, with a pristine kitchen. The property itself is generally decorated as white, giving it a bright, icy overtone when first setting foot inside.
