Diana Ross | Connecticut, $7.3 Million

The international music icon Diana Ross has been spotted for the last couple of years in her home in Greenwich, Connecticut. For her, this is the perfect spot where she can build the home of her dreams; and by the looks of it, she did just that. The singer’s humble abode is surrounded by a luscious green scenery and sits comfortably in a five-acre plot.

Throughout her time as this property’s owner, Ross developed quite a liking to it. After all, who wouldn’t love to make investments in a sanctuary far away from the hustle and bustle of the urban jungle – plus, the view is beautiful. With that said, although Ross undoubtedly has no troubles with money matters, she still decided to list the property a couple of years ago. As of September 2020, after first removing the estate from the market, Diana Ross placed it back up for a price of $6.29 million.
