Before the thought of a college degree came to his mind, around two years old, Wayne Gretzky was already learning how to ice skate. Soon after, he found a passion for hockey. With his love for the sport only growing more and more through the years, Wayne eventually found a spot in the NFL and played there for 20 seasons. Besides earning the nickname “The Great One,” Wayne Gretzky is highly regarded by peers, coaches, and sportswriters as the greatest player the NHL has ever had.

After saying goodbye to the hockey arena, Wayne Gretzky ventured to other businesses. Besides writing books, he also owns a few restaurants and wineries. With the fortune he has earned over the years, it comes as no surprise that he spent a portion of it on cars. One such beauty he’s claimed ownership of is the Pontiac Firebird, a noteworthy rival of classics like the Ford Mustang and Chevrolet Camaro.
