Liam Hemsworth |Malibu, $6.8 Million


Liam Hemsworth made his presence felt in Hollywood following his appearance in the highly successful Hunger Games film series. Since then, he pretty much coasted his way toward stardom and got on the pedestal where he currently sits. When it comes to the net worth of the Hemsworth Brothers, there is really no competition. According to “The Richest Man” estimates, Chris Hemsworth’s net worth is $90 million. In 2018 alone, he made $64 million, more than double Liam Hemsworth’s total net worth of $26 million.


In 2018, he made to the headlines again when he tied the knot with Wrecking Ball superstar Miley Cyrus. The relationship didn’t go through as smoothly as most people hoped for, however. Good thing he was able to make amends with the singer–they hired a divorce attorney and are now living as neighbors in his $6.8 million pad, which is just a few meters away from Cyrus’ $2.5 million home.